Pride – LGBTQ+ Resources

Training was held via ZOOM on Tuesday, June 29th. It was led by Dr. Brent Lewis, Associate Vice-President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at James Madison University. Over 40 faculty and staff from VGCC took part in the training that covered topics such as: LGBTQ+ terms and Identities, personal pronouns, how to create an affirming environment, and recognizing ways there is discrimination in the student experience. For those faculty and staff that completed the training they will be recognized as a SAFE PERSON and have a new office door placard that identifies them as such. The hope is that this will make allies and supporters more visible to our students. Look for the following placards for faculty and staff who are recognized as a safe person:

Pride Office Placard start "This is a safe Zone!" Inclusive, Accepting, Welcoming #VanGuardingYourBack. This example is for Betsy Henderson, Department Chair/Instructor. Humanities and Fine Arts

Community Resources

Community Resources Project (LGBT Center of Raleigh)
The LGBT Center of Raleigh has an extensive array of community resources, covering local, regional, and national organizations, to ensure everyone has access to the resources they need.
LGBT Center of Raleigh (Opens in a new window)

LGBTQ Center of Durham
The LGBTQ Center of Durham is committed to serving the City and County of Durham as well as the surrounding counties to ensure all folks have the resources necessary to live full, joyful lives. They provide space and resources to all people.
LGBTQ Center of Durham (Opens in a new window)

Equality NC
Equality North Carolina is the oldest statewide organization in the country dedicated to securing rights and protections for the LGBTQ community.
Equality NC (Opens in a new window)

LGBT National Help Center
The LGBT National Help Center offers free and confidential peer support, resources, and a variety of hotlines you can call if you need someone to talk to:
LGBT Hotline (Opens in a new window)

GLAAD words through entertainment, news, and digital media to share stories from the LGBTQ community that accelerate acceptance:
GLAAD .org (Opens in a new window)

It Gets Better Project
The It Gets Better project offers space for people all over the world to upload videos and share stories to “remind the next generation of LGBTQ+ youth that hope is out there, and it will get better.”
It Gets Better .org (Opens in a new window)

VGCC Library LibGuide
LGBTQ+ Libguide (Opens in a new window)

Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Vance-Granville Community College offers Gender Neutral Bathrooms on each Campus. Their locations are as follows:

Main Campus – Henderson

Two single-use bathrooms in Building 5, 1st/Ground Floor outside entrances near the Food Pantry.

South Campus – Creedmoor

Two single-use bathrooms at the far end of the building near the Learning Resources Center.

Franklin County Campus – Louisburg

Building 2

Warren County Campus – Warrenton

Building 2