Vaccine Policy

Vance Granville Community College complies with the Higher Education Act by disclosing that the College is exempt from requiring students to provide certification of immunization for admission as noted in NC General Statute 130A-155.1.e.1. However, students enrolled in selected programs may be required to submit proof of current immunization due to laboratory, clinical, and/or public safety assignments.

Medical Form and Immunizations

Student Medical Form

All students admitted to any of the Health Science Programs at Vance-Granville Community College are required to have a health physical prior to entry. Included in this form is a request for an immunization record. The information must be accurate and up-to-date due to the contracts we have with the clinical facilities that the students will be attending. All items on the following list are required. The list must have a doctor’s signature that states that the immunizations are accurate:

Two (2) MMR vaccines (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) or
A titer (Blood test) which shows immunity to all three

Two (2) Varicella vaccines (Chicken Pox) or
A titer (Blood test) which shows immunity
*History of the disease alone is NOT ACCEPTABLE*
*You MUST have a titer drawn to show you are immune*

Three (3) Hepatitis B vaccines
A titer (Blood test) which shows immunity
If you refuse this vaccination, you must indicate this decision
in the declination section

One Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap)
within the last ten years

Documentation of “2-step” Tuberculin (TB/PPD) Skin tests (If you have not had “2-step” TB/PPD skin tests you should get one now and a second one a minimum of two weeks later)

COVID-19 Vaccination (VGCC does not require the Covid-19 vaccination; however, some clinical affiliates do. Your program will advise you of the processes related to the Covid-19 vaccination.)

There is no exception to these requirements regardless of your age. Many times it is necessary to send copies of these immunization records to the respective hospitals. It is our suggestion that once you have collected this information, you keep the original copies for your records. You will be required by all healthcare facilities to show these same records when you are hired for a job.

It is also your responsibility to be sure that your Tuberculin skin test and CPR (American Heart Association HealthCare Provider or BLS Provider ONLY) certification are always up-to-date throughout your educational experience at VGCC.