Learning, Student Engagement & Success

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The Learning, Student Engagement, & Success Division at Vance-Granville Community College offers programs for educational improvement as well as a variety of services to ensure student success. Services that are available to students in Advising & College Success include advising, counseling, minority male mentoring, disability services, career and tutorial services. The division’s Literacy programs include services to help students improve their reading, writing and math skills; earn a high school diploma or High School Equivalency (HSE); or improve English speaking, writing and reading skills for those whose native language is not English.


Student success is the central goal of Advising and College Success. Central to this mission is the provision of a supportive environment that encourages and assists students in developing and achieving their personal and educational goals.

Whether students are having personal issues, having difficulty with a class, or are needing some direction, getting help is the smart thing to do. One of the great things about Vance-Granville Community College is that assistance is readily available and free.

Advising and College Success offers several services including: career services, personal counseling, academic advising and tutoring services. Visit one of our three offices: Main Campus, Building 8, South Campus, Room G102, and Franklin Campus, Main Building.

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Academic Advising assists students in the planning and developing of educational and career goals. Students must have their selected courses approved by their Academic Advisor prior to registration. During the drop/add period of the term, students must contact their advisor to add a course, but may drop courses through their myVGCC account. It is highly recommended that students discuss all registration changes with their advisor. For more information, please see the Drop and Add and Withdrawal sections of the catalog.

Students are also encouraged to meet with their Academic Advisor at a time other than registration each term to discuss their academic progress and planning.

Although Academic Advisors assist students in planning course schedules, the final responsibility for meeting all academic requirements for graduation rests with the student.

Note: Students receiving financial aid and/or Veteran’s Assistance will receive aid only for courses included in their program of study. Financial aid recipients should consult with the Financial Aid Office before making changes to course schedules.

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The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides free, walk-in and appointment-based tutorial services for various subjects and is available on all VGCC campuses. Both individual and group tutoring is offered by professional tutors.

Additionally, free online tutoring support is available to students through the online tutorial service Upswing. Students can schedule appointments for any course through Upswing or use Upswing’s drop-in tutorial services for help in Math and English courses as well as sciences, humanities, accounting, business, computer information, and various other disciplines. Services include live tutoring and writing assignment submission and review. Students can access Upswing through its link in every course’s Moodle page or by visiting http://www.vgcc.upswing.io. Please contact the Academic Success Center Coordinator for any information regarding the ASC or visit the ASC website at https://www.vgcc.edu/asc.

The Academic Success Center is also present in Moodle, providing academic support references for English, writing, Mathematics, and the Sciences. The Moodle ASC offers study aids, videos, and discussion forums available to students to maximize their academic performance.

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Career Services offers free services and resources to prospective students, current students, and alumni of Vance-Granville Community College who need assistance with career development. Free career assessments are available to help individuals understand their personal interests, abilities, skills, and values. Career Services staff can help students to understand this information, explore careers and academic programs, and establish career goals. By setting career goals early, students can choose the best academic program to achieve their goals for both personal and professional success. Career Coach (http://www.vgcc.edu/careercoach) is the first step in this process and is free to anyone visiting the VGCC website. It also provides up-to-date and regional information about wages, employment and training for careers. Additional online career exploration and assessment tools are available at https://www.vgcc.edu/career-services/career-exploration.

Job search assistance is also available to students and alumni. Current and former students can get help with resumes and job search correspondence, interview preparation, mock interviews, career coaching, and how to dress for interviews. Career Services also offers class visits, workshops, career fairs, and other events to help connect students with local employers.

VGCC’s College Central Network (CCN) offers an online local and national jobs board, a resume builder, electronic career portfolios, Career Advice Documents, podcasts, videos on various topics, career articles, and a Job Search Toolkit. Students and alumni can access CCN’s many job search resources from any location on or off campus free of charge at https://www.collegecentral.com/vgcc/. Employers can register with VGCC’s College Central Network (CCN) to post and manage their employment opportunities independently and at no charge.

Please contact the Director of Career Services for more information or visit https://www.vgcc.edu/career-services/.

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Counseling Services provides personal counseling and advising, guidance in life skills, and intervention to assist students who may be experiencing difficulties that influence student success. Services are provided to students who are experiencing stress due to academic, career, or personal problems, which may interfere with their ability to take full advantage of their educational opportunities. Counselors are also involved in consultation with faculty and staff for student advocacy needs, program development and outreach programming. Counselors are actively involved with retention activities.

Counseling Services maintains relationships with community advocacy agencies and mental health services in order to accommodate students who may have mental health issues. Counseling Services on campus are free and confidentiality is guaranteed within legal and ethical guidelines.

VGCC also offers the Student Assistance Program (SAP) to all students and their household members FREE! This valuable resource is housed under Counseling Services. The SAP offers help for personal, professional or school concerns by providing free, confidential, short-term counseling and personal consultation. Additionally, the SAP provides student-life resources for such issues as legal and financial consultation, online learning and resources. Appointments are virtual, telephonic or face-to-face and available during both daytime and evening hours. (24 hours/7days a week). The SAP is an excellent resource tool for instructors to incorporate into lessons and to promote regular usage for research articles, seminars (live and recorded), and so much more.

For more information, visit the VGCC website at https://www.vgcc.edu/office-of-accessibility.

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states:
“No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.”

“Otherwise qualified” in the ADA means that only those people who are able to meet the technical and academic qualifications for entry into a school, program, or activity are protected by the ADA. This means accommodations which call for a “fundamental alteration” of a program or which would impose an undue financial or administrative burden are not required.

The College has no responsibility for identification and evaluation of students with disabilities. If an evaluation is needed, the expense is the student’s responsibility.

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Procedure for Requesting Reasonable Accommodations

To initiate a request for accommodations, a student must do the following:

  • Meet the admission requirements: application for admission, transcripts, and placement testing. Alternate placement testing format must be arranged in advance.
  • Self-identify to the Accessibility Services Coordinator, faculty or staff member that he or she has a disability and is requesting accommodations.
  • Arrange an appointment with the Accessibility Services Coordinator to determine if he or she qualifies for reasonable accommodations 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester.
  • Provide appropriate documentation of the diagnosed disability (see the guidelines that follow).
  • Allow ten (10) business days for all documentation to be reviewed and processed for potential accommodations. This process must be completed before accommodations are approved or denied. Additional time may be required to fully fulfill reasonable accommodations.
  • Request specific accommodation(s), for optimal service, prior to the first day of class. Requests for accommodations can be made at any point in the semester. Requests made after the beginning of the semester are not retroactive to the beginning of the semester of the request.
  • The Office of Accessibility sends an Accommodation Letter to all parties to sign and date once accommodations are approved.
  • A completed electronic copy of the Accommodations Letter is sent to all parties confirming that accommodations are in place.

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Accessibility Services Documentation Guidelines

Students seeking academic accommodations are required to submit documentation verifying eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act. All documentation is confidential and is not considered a part of the academic transcript. The following guidelines are provided in the interest of identifying evaluation reports appropriate to document eligibility.

  • The documentation must be comprehensive and include a clear diagnostic statement.
  • Documentation must be current (within five years) and comprehensive.
  • Reports must contain the names, titles, and license information of the evaluator(s), and the dates of evaluation(s).
  • Reports must be submitted on professional letterhead. Prescription pads and copies of letterhead are not acceptable.
  • Reports should contain recommendations for reasonable accommodations suitable to a postsecondary academic setting. Specific suggestions to best assist the identified student are also very helpful.

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Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint Procedure

Vance-Granville Community College has adopted an internal procedure which provides for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Complaints should be addressed to the Dean of Students, Equity, Retention & Success, who has designated the Accessibility Services Coordinator to coordinate accessibility services for students.

  • A complaint should be filed in writing, contain the name and address of the person filing it, and briefly describe the alleged violation of the regulations.
  • A complaint should be filed within 30 calendar days after the Complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation.
  • An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of a complaint. The investigation shall be informal but thorough and afford all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the complaint.
  • A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, shall be issued and forwarded to the complainant no later than 10 calendar days after its filing.
  • The complainant can request a reconsideration of the case if he/she is dissatisfied with the resolution. The request for reconsideration should be made to the Dean of Students, Equity, Retention & Success within 10 calendar days.
  • The Dean of Students, Equity, Retention & Success shall maintain the files and records relating to the complaints filed.
  • The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder shall not be impaired by nor shall the use of this procedure be a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies.

Other remedies include the filing of an ADA complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, a department of the U.S. Department of Education or other responsible federal agencies. For more information, visit the VGCC website at https://www.vgcc.edu/office-of-accessibility.

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One of the most important things you can do to assure your success as a new student is to get to know your new college. Attending New Student Orientation is a great start for new students and refresher for students who haven’t enrolled for three or more years. Completion of an orientation session is required; face to face sessions are being held at our Main, Franklin, and South Campuses and it is also available online. During New Student Orientation you will learn about steps to complete enrollment, financial aid, how to log in to your online accounts, as well as the support services available. For more information, visit the VGCC website at https://www.vgcc.edu/how-to-apply/orientation.

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Literacy programs are located at all four of Vance-Granville Community College’s campuses as well as several community-based sites. These programs are offered day, evening and online. For more information on these programs, you may visit our website at https://www.vgcc.edu/college-career-readiness.

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College and Career Readiness

The College and Career Readiness Program is designed to develop and improve a person’s proficiency in basic skills in reading, writing, math, communication, and critical thinking. Adult participants improve basic skills for the workplace, achieve personal goals, and prepare for enrollment in the Adult High School (AHS) or High School Equivalency (HSE) program.

Adults 18 years of age or older with less than an eighth-grade education or those assessed as performing at less than a high school level of proficiency in reading, math, or language skills may enroll in the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program. Classes are available at each of Vance-Granville Community College’s campuses and at other sites located throughout the college’s service area. Instructors work individually with students in planning the most effective study program. Students enrolled in the program study in a classroom setting. Adult Basic Education classes are free.

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Basic Skills Plus

The Basic Skills Plus program is designed to provide employability skills, job-specific occupational and technical skills, and developmental education instruction to students concurrently enrolled in a community college course leading to a high school diploma or equivalent certificate. Students seeking a high school diploma or equivalent and enrolled in a College and Career Readiness course are eligible for Basic Skills Plus.

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Adult High School (AHS) Diploma

The Adult High School (AHS) Diploma Program is available to meet the needs of adults 18 years of age and older who have not completed high school. There are several steps in the application process. Students must first take a placement test to determine their skill level in reading and math. Since this is a high school program, the applicant’s test results must demonstrate a high school proficiency level in the two tested areas. The next step is the evaluation of the official transcript from the former high school by lead instructors at the campus sites or the Director on the main campus. Students requiring more than six (6) high school credits are encouraged to pursue their High School Equivalency (HSE) Diploma. Once it is determined that the applicant will be accepted, the applicant will decide whether he/she would like to enroll in the more traditional classroom setting or the online program. The Adult High School Diploma Program requirements are the same for both programs, traditional and online. All requirements are based on the revised North Carolina Standard Course of Study. It is mandatory that students successfully master and complete the required courses. The basic courses required for high school completion according to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study are as follows:

Course Units
English 4
English 4
Mathematics 4
Science 3
Social Studies 4
Health/PE 1
Electives 6
Total 22

Whether enrolled in the online or traditional Adult High School Diploma Program, students will receive support and constant encouragement. The online program is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and utilizes Internet-based instruction to complete the necessary school credits.. Both choices are equal in quality and will give students an opportunity to earn the necessary high school diploma to become more marketable in today’s world. All classes are free. Students are encouraged to further their education at Vance-Granville Community College upon successful completion of the adult high school diploma.

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Diplomas and Certificates

  1. The Adult High School Diploma is awarded to students who successfully complete the credits required by the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The diploma is awarded by all service area Boards of Education (Vance, Granville, Franklin, and Warren) in cooperation with Vance-Granville Community College.
  2. The High School Equivalency Diploma is awarded by the North Carolina Community College System to individuals who achieve passing scores on the High School Equivalency Test.

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High School Equivalency (HSE)

The High School Equivalency Program is designed to develop and improve a person’s proficiency in skills and general knowledge in the following content areas of language arts (reading and writing), social studies, science, and math. Any person 18 years of age or older may enroll in the program. Classes are available at each of Vance-Granville Community College’s campuses and at other sites located throughout the college’s service area.

Students must first take a placement test to determine their skill level in reading and math. Instructors work individually with students to set goals and plan the most effective study program. Classroom instruction for students in the program focuses on improving critical thinking, reading comprehension, writing ability, and mathematical reasoning in preparation for testing.

Preparation for the high school equivalency test through distance education (online) is available to students who cannot attend classes on campus. The distance education program is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and utilizes Internet-based instruction to prepare the student for testing.

High School Equivalency (HSE) classes are free. Students are encouraged to further their education at Vance-Granville Community College upon successful completion of the high school equivalency diploma.

High School Equivalency (HSE) Test

The High School Equivalency test measures a person’s proficiency in skills and general knowledge in the following content areas: language arts (reading and writing), social studies, science, and math. Upon successful completion of the entire battery, a student is awarded a diploma that is considered the equivalent of a high school diploma. The High School Equivalency test is administered often throughout the semester to meet the testing needs of students. The testing fee is subject to change by the State Board of Community Colleges. For more information on high school equivalency testing, please visit the Testing Center website at https://www.vgcc.edu/testingcenter/high-school-equivalency.

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English as a Second Language (ESL)

This program offers individuals whose native language is not English an opportunity to improve their ability to understand, speak, read, and write in English. Students entering the program are assessed to determine areas of strengths or weaknesses. At the introductory level, instructors assist students with developing the conversational skills needed for day-to-day survival and success in the workplace. At the intermediate and advanced levels, more detailed attention is given to grammar, language usage, sentence structure, composition, and pronunciation to strengthen the student’s confidence in using English. Instructors provide various instructional activities for students including computer-assisted learning, small and whole group instruction, and individual assistance.

Classes are available at Vance-Granville Community College’s campuses and other sites throughout the college’s service area. All English as a Second Language classes are free.

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Minors in Literacy Education Programs

Minors (16-17 years of age) are eligible to enroll in the ABE, AHS, or HSE programs if they meet the following enrollment criteria as outlined:

  • Parent/Guardian and minor must complete Minor Admissions paperwork.

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College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness programs are located at each of VGCC’s campuses and are designed to provide students with access to a variety of instructional approaches and materials. Technology is used to enhance traditional classroom instruction and provide an interactive learning experience for students. Student learning needs are assessed individually, and instructional plans are developed that consider each learner’s skill development level and preferred learning style.

Upon enrollment, students meet with the College and Career Readiness staff to discuss educational goals and to determine the most convenient schedule for each student. During the initial orientation process, the students are administered placement tests. This assessment procedure is necessary to establish precise learning goals and select the appropriate educational plans. Students and staff determine whether the appropriate path of learning is ABE, AHS, HSE, Distance Education, or ESL. Adults with intellectual disabilities are served in all program areas depending upon their assessment scores. Students will then attend classes and are encouraged to participate in a variety of instructional activities that include independent study, small/whole group instruction, computer-assisted instruction, and class projects. Students are required to participate in an ongoing assessment process that monitors progress and directs future learning and goal setting.

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