Student Emergency Fund

The Vance-Granville Community College Student Emergency Fund provides one-time emergency funding to curriculum and continuing education students facing an unforeseen financial crisis. The goal of the program is to keep students who are in school and have otherwise planned for the cost of attendance on track to completing their educational goals.

The program provides an assistance amount of up to $250 per academic year. Students who qualify are limited to two grants while enrolled at Vance-Granville Community College. Checks are paid directly to vendors on behalf of the student or in the form of gift cards given directly to the student. The Foundation Office will make this determination based on the request. Career and College Promise students, including Early College, are not eligible to receive this funding.

Eligible Expenses Include:

  • Utilities
  • Childcare
  • Food*
  • Gas**
  • Rent/Mortgage
  • Car repairs

*Food needs will be met from available sources such as the VGCC Food Pantry.
**Transportation needs will be met through KARTS if the student is located in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren. Exceptions may apply if student is required to attend clinicals as part of their program of study. Gas cards may be provided up to $100 per academic year. For transportation needs, including gas assistance, please complete the Travel Assistance Application.

Expenses that will not be covered:

  • Medical procedures or operations
  • Travel expenses of family members
  • Funeral expenses
  • Cell phone, credit card and internet bills
  • Payment of fines or legal fees
  • Tobacco, alcohol, food or entertainment expenses

Eligibility Requirements

For students to be considered eligible for this program, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Be enrolled in classes in an eligible curriculum program or approved Continuing Education certificate course at the time of the request.
  2. The student must be in good academic standing with the College. Student must have a 2.0 or higher GPA.
  3. The student must not owe a debt to the College.
  4. If student is on Financial Aid probation, approval is needed from the Financial Aid Office.
  5. The student must be currently experiencing an unforeseen financial emergency.
  6. The student must be at risk of being unable to continue in school due to an emergency.
  7. The student must be willing to speak with a counselor about a plan for future financial success.
  8. Sufficient documentation of hardship must be supplied such as, but not limited to:
    1. notification of loss of employment
    2. utility bill (including any late notices from the utility company)
    3. car repairs (estimate/bill from auto mechanic shop)
    4. rent/mortgage bill (including any late notices from the landlord/management company or mortgage company)
    5. eviction notice
    6. childcare invoice
  9. Upon review of the emergency fund application, students may be asked to come to the Foundation Office for an interview.

Optional: Recommendation from a VGCC faculty or staff member.

Note: No checks will be made out to students – no exceptions.

Every effort will be made to fulfill approved requests within five (5) business days.

Assistance is granted without regard to race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin.

Anyone who believes he or she may be a candidate for emergency assistance is invited to complete an application or speak with a Foundation team member in the Foundation office located on Main Campus, Offices 1211 and 1213; by phone at (252) 738-3264 or email
