Clery Act/Security Statistics

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

In November 1990, the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act (Title II, Public Law  101-542) was signed into law. This law requires colleges and universities to produce and make available certain policy statements and statistics about campus crime. In November 1999, this act was renamed The Jeanne disclosure of Campus Crime Statistics Act or simply, The Clery Act.

It is the policy of Vance-Granville Community College to maintain and provide an annual security report that informs current students and employees of its safety and security policies, procedures and practices. This report will also disclose statistics from the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus or property either owned of controlled by the College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

To comply with the crime statistics requirement, the institution collects information from the Campus Police Department, local law enforcement agencies, and from certain individuals and organizations that the Clery Act defines as “Campus Security Authorities” (“CSAs”). The goal in collecting crime reports from CSAs rather than just from the police is to capture as many crime reports as possible. Professional mental health and religious counselors are exempt from these reporting requirements.

The Clery Act report can be found at: Get One Institution Data (

Campus Security Authority – FAQs

What is a Campus Security Authority (CSA)?

A CSA is an individual with significant responsibility for campus and student activities, such as campus police/security, Program Heads, Advisors, Student Conduct, etc.

Can Students Be CSAs?

Yes, students who hold positions such as a desk attendant, sit on judicial boards, etc. are considered CSAs and must be trained.

Can Faculty Members be CSAs?

Yes, generally faculty members are not CSAs, however, in the event that a faculty member accompanies students on trips or advise a student group, that faculty member is a CSA for the duration of that position.

As a CSA, how often do I have to be trained?

CSA training is completed annually.

I am unsure if I am a CSA, how do I find out?

If you’re unsure, contact the Director of Human Resources at 252 738-3440.

What if the student does not want me to provide their information to the Police, or if I do not know their name – Do I still have to report?

Yes, you still have to report. Under the Clery Act, the name of the individual is not required.

If I am not a CSA, am I still required to report?

Though you are not legally obligated to report, it is highly encouraged. You can contact the Campus Police Department at 252 738-3373, or VGCC Chief of Police at 252 738-3320.

What are the consequences for failing to report?

The US Department of Education assesses fines for violations of the Clery Act. The current amount is $57,317 per violation.

MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3373