Academic Records

An official record of all the student’s courses, credits, and grades earned is kept in the Admissions/Records Office. The student should maintain a record of courses, credits and grades each term and check from time to time to see that the record agrees with that of the College. The record may also help determine eligibility for any activities that are required to meet specific scholastic standards. Copies of the official record are available to the student upon request.

Each student who is in attendance or who has been in attendance at the College has the right to inspect and review his/her own educational records maintained by the College. The College will comply with a request to review an educational record within a reasonable time, but in any event not more than 45 days after the request is made. Any student desiring to review his/her educational records should make a request directly to the Registrar’s office.

Collection of Social Security NumbersĀ 

Vance-Granville Community College is legally authorized to collect student social security numbers in order to comply with certain federal and state reporting requirements, and to meet the business imperatives of the college. Beginning fall semester 2007, the college will no longer use student social security numbers as the primary method for student identification, but rather use a unique computer generated ID number. Questions concerning the use of social security numbers should be directed to the Registrar.
